Welcome Post + Expectations

Hi delegates!

We are so excited to welcome you to BMUN 72 and the UNESCO committee.

In this committee, you will be attempting to identify the underlying causes of major issues and conflicts. In identifying these causes I hope to see solutions that both acknowledge country prejudice and work towards lessening global strife. Our first topic addresses Art and Entertainment as Weapons of War. Our second topic addresses Bioterrorism in the Era of Climate Change.

This blog will act as our committee’s more informal avenue for discussion and communication before the conference– and we’d love to see you interact with it! The purpose of this blog is to (1) allow you to actively engage with the content of this committee and (2) give you all the opportunity to learn about other countries’ policies before the debate actually starts. You can post comments on posts that we make and write about literally anything relevant to the topics at hand! For example, if you’ve found follow-up content or research you’d like to share, would like to discuss your country’s opinion on the topic, or have other ideas in mind, this blog is the place for that! Please write from the perspective of the country that you are representing. 

The official UNESCO committee page can be found at https://www.bmun.org/committees/unesco, where you can find our executive summary, synopsis, and the link to this blog. 

Here, I will also touch on some important guidelines and expectations as you start your research:

Position Papers

We highly recommend taking advantage of the synopsis as the starting point in your research. It may be really long (sorry), but we promise that it’s a digestible read; plus, a good portion of it is images and citations.

UNESCO will use the standard, default position paper format. Position papers are due on February 18th to be considered for the Research Award, and February 25th to be considered for any committee award. Please reach out to us if you need more time, and we would be happy to grant an extension depending on the circumstances. 

The finalized rubric for grading is:

Past and Current International Action: 13%

Country Policy: 30%

Proposed Solutions: 40%

Response to Questions to Consider: 15%

Works Cited: 2%

Procedure Guide

UNESCO will be using standard BMUN/MUN procedure.

If you have any questions about the topics, the procedure, your position paper, or BMUN in general, please don’t hesitate to contact us at unescobmun72@bmun.org or at my personal email cbardeen@bmun.org.

Good luck with your research! We’re so excited for BMUN 72!


Clara Bardeen

Head Chair of UNESCO, BMUN 72


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