
Committee Photos

  Dear Delegates,  As promised, here are the photos we took at the end of committee. I have also attached the superlatives ( ).  Thank you very much for making this weekend as fun and exciting as it was. These topics were not easy, but you debated them with mastery. I look forward to hearing about all of your successes in the near future. Make sure to rest up and be proud of yourselves!   Sincerely,  Clara Bardeen 

How to Draft a Resolution (SMART)

  Hi delegates! BMUN is just around the corner, so I wanted to revisit the pinnacle document of committee: your resolutions! Before we even get into the details of your resolutions, the format and jargon about resolutions can be quite confusing, but not to worry! BMUN has a Resolution Structure document, linked here , that covers all the teeny tiny details of these papers.  When turning your solutions into operative format, we want you to keep the SMART goals in mind: S - Specific , what exactly is this operative trying to achieve? M - Measurable , how will you know when this operative is successful? Are there any specific points that will make this solution more quantifiable? A - Attainable , is this solution genuinely possible? Is that clear in your operative? R - Relevant , will this operative positively contribute to solving this problem? T - Timely , when do you expect to achieve this solution by? Are these time-constraints reasonable? When in doubt, refer back to the SMA...

[IMPORTANT] Conference Clarifications and Guidance

  Dear Delegates,  As we swiftly approach the conference I would like to make some clarifications about what we are looking for in solutions for both topics.  Topic A:  Seeing as this is art and entertainment as weapons of war, it is important that your delegation  focuses on how art is being weaponized . Not just how to protect physical art. If your solution pertains to protecting cultural heritage, that is great, but also attempt to make an effort to clarify how targeted destruction of art is a weapon of conflict and should be regulated as one.  Also, there are many other forms of art. One of the most important/influential/unregulated methods of expression currently is journalism and news media. Through the ability for news outlets to display information in a believable way that may not be true, this misinformation allows for chaos. As chaos can lead to rebellion and bloodshed, should journalism also be regulated and classified as a weapon. Should civilia...

Solution Advice

  Hi delegates! As BMUN grows nearer, I wanted to offer some advice on your solutions and what our dais expects for committee!  Before diving into the different types of solutions we are hoping to see in committee, I wanted to take this opportunity to revisit our learning goals and expectations for research in hopes that your solutions end up addressing these key points: To expect global issues before they occur and propose solutions that prevent them.  Identifying subtle conflicts in bigger issues.  Identifying the main contributors of racial conflicts between societies.  Identifying the potential for the weaponization of climate change.  Please keep these learning goals in mind when forming solutions! They are key points we want you to address!  Need stepping off points to start thinking about solutions? Start at the synopsis! As you read, highlight key issues that need to be addressed as well as ways they have been addressed in the past. From here ...

Office Hours

  If you are interested in getting feedback on position papers, solution help, or getting other questions answered, sign up for a 15 minute office hour slot! They will be from 3-6 p.m. on March 4th. The zoom link is below as well as the sheet to sign up.  See you there!  Sincerely,  Clara Bardeen Meeting ID: 938 1159 9760 Passcode: 538124

Topic B Key Takeaways

Hi delegates! To help you out at conference, we want to go over some key ideas from Topic B.  Biological terrorism is a growing modern threat because of the rapid advancement and increased availability of gene editing technology, and the facilitation of pathogen spread by steadily warming climates. Because this is a multi-causal issue, solutions should include a multifaceted approach. The development of CRISPR technology and widely available gene editing kits has placed powerful technology in the hands of everyday civilians. The recreation of horsepox, an extinct smallpox cousin, proved that stitching together dangerous viruses from DNA fragments is fairly easy and accessible. Because of this, it is difficult to regulate dangerous gene editing and respond to potential biological terrorism attempts, and countries have to address biological threats from a variety of angles. One concern is that there is virtually no way to trace the bioterrorist attacks back to the perpetrators. Some ...

Topic A Key Takeaways

Hello delegates! Before the conference, we would like to introduce you to some of the most important ideas of Topic A; Art and Entertainment as Weapons of War.  The quote that pretty much summarizes the overarching theme of this topic is by Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky who said “art is not a mirror held up to society but a hammer with which to shape it.” For millennia, art has shaped political identity but has also festered feelings of violent nationality. Through the culmination of racial, religious, and national prejudice worsened through artistic expression (such as literature, music, and posters) many bloody conflicts have been excused. Art can also be used in an economic sense through looting and reselling to provide the money necessary to fuel conflict.  While these conflicts have been occurring for centuries, in recent years through the development of the internet and social media the exact definition of “art” and “individual expression” in the context of violence...